Academic Information

Module Information

  1. Type: Elective.
  2. Degree Level: Bachelor (3rd and 4th years), Master, and PhD upon request.
  3. Language: English.

Aim/Basic Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Online teaching, exercises and assignments.
  • Laboratory work during the on-site week at TUS.

Work Load and ECTS

All modules: 3 ECTS:

  • Presence study: 30 hours.
  • Self-study: 45 hours.


Online-Test, homework, technical report, presentation according to teacher.

Exact procedure will be announced in the first week of the course.

Duration, Time Structure

  • Online sessions: Every Friday from September 27th, 2024, to November 8th, 2024, at 16h.
  • On-site week at TUS: From November 18th, 2024, to November 22th, 2024.
